America’s Got Talent on NBC follows host Terry Crews, judges Simon Cowell, Howie Mandel, Heidi Klum (a returning judge), and Sophia Vergara (a NEW judge) as they scout for new talent across the country.
Simon Cowell, the show’s creator and executive producer, Howie Mandel, and Heidi Klum are all back on the judging panel. Modern Family actress and model Sofia Vergara attended the panel this year as well.
Terry Crews will host “America’s Got Talent” after making a significant impression as the host of “America’s Got Talent: The Champions” during its inaugural season earlier this year. Performers of all ages are welcome to participate in the show.
“America’s Got Talent” continues to embrace the variety concept unlike any other television program. On “America’s Got Talent,” a wide variety of performers compete each year for viewers’ hearts and a $1 million prize. Future stars, impressionists, comedians, circus performers, ventriloquists, singers, dancers, and comedians are among these entertainers.
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